AOKE handbag flatbed cutter is specially designed to achieve the computerized procedures of pattern design, grading, layout and nesting of handbag, leatherwear, case, etc. It is able to cut handbags sample patterns which will be used for mass production. The advanced cutter can also be used to cut genuine leather, artificial leather and cloth directly for producing handbag or case according to customers' actual needs. Our flatbed cutter helps improve pour production efficiency and enhance pour enterprise competitiveness. our DCH10, DCH30, DCH50, DCF7X and DCF7XR series flatbed cutters can be employed in the handbag and case industry The DCF7X and DCF7XR series ones are able to cut genuine leather, artificial leather and cloth directly. The machine also named as bag cutting machine, case sample maker, leather cutting system etc.
Application examples:
Paper bag
Reticule | Leatherwear | Genuine leather |
Luggage and bags
carton |
Artificial leather |
cloth |
Leather punch